Downtown SSMID Unveils Fresh New Look
June 30, 2021 | Community Development
The Downtown Self-Supported Municipal Improvement District (SSMID) recently debuted a fresh, new look for Downtown Cedar Rapids. The new branding conveys energy and forward momentum as the community re-engages for post-pandemic vibrancy, and can be seen Downtown helping to create a cohesive sense of place throughout the district.
“Creating a new, exciting and distinct brand was something identified and strongly encouraged with the most recent iteration of the Downtown Vision Plan,” said Darryl High, Chair of the Downtown SSMID Commission. “The district has come a long way in recent years with improved lighting and streetscape elements that help distinguish Downtown. This new brand ties in several other elements of the Vision Plan’s strategy, namely embracing the river which is captured nicely in the new logo.”
The Downtown SSMID was created in 1986 and has been renewed every 10 years, with property owners within the district electing to add $2.75 per $1,000 worth of valuation for commercial properties as investment in beautification, maintenance and upkeep throughout the district. Visitors and residents can enjoy an appealing, tidy, and artistic view of Cedar Rapids by way of collaboration between strategic partners and the SSMID, creating a pedestrian-friendly Downtown.