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Public Policy Update: Economic Alliance Joins Coalition to Prevent Significant Tax Increases on Businesses

September 24, 2024 | Business Support, Public Policy

Coalition Urges the Next Congress and Administration to Pursue Pro-Growth Tax Policy

The Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance joined over 500 state and local chambers of commerce and national trade associations representing every sector of the U.S. economy and all 50 states—to urge the next Congress and administration to prevent a significant tax increase that could impact American families and businesses at the end of 2025. 

Absent congressional action, American families, workers, and businesses will be hit with the largest tax increase in American history at the end of next year. Many of the benefits of the 2017 pro-growth tax reforms means businesses might face increased taxes, leading to potential job cuts, reduced wages, or even closures. Families could experience decreased take-home pay, making it challenging to manage everyday expenses like childcare. And communities may suffer as local businesses struggle to survive, resulting in fewer jobs and less investment in local services.   Read the letter to Congress here.  

Election 2024 Updates

Supporting pro-growth policies is the foundation of the Economic Alliance’s advocacy work. We are a non-partisan organization and do not endorse or donate to political candidates. We do, however, work to educate our members on the issues and encourage them to vote for business-friendly candidates. On that front, we have provided our members with several opportunities to learn more about the candidates on their ballots.  

Candidate Forums

The Economic Alliance continues our Candidate Forum Series to allow our members access to federal candidates for the 2024 Election. Candidates share their priorities for Iowa, listen to the business community’s priorities, and interact with Q&A time. These forums are open exclusively to our members. Earlier this week we hosted U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson (R), candidate for Iowa 2nd Congressional District for a discussion. The forum with her opponent, Sarah Corkery (D) will take place Tuesday, September 24 at 1 PM in Hiawatha. Registration is required. 

Sarah Corkery (D)

Date: September 24, 2024 
Time: 1:00-2:00 PM
Location: Channel Fusion, Hiawatha 
Register here

Voter Resource Guide

The Economic Alliance will once again public a Voter Resource Guide for our members for the upcoming November 5th Election. Our Guide will include biographical information on each candidate as well as their answers to questions that will help you with your voting decisions. Be on the look out for its publication on Oct. 11. Early voting in Iowa begins Oct. 16.  Iowa voters are now able to request absent ballots for the 2024 Election through the Secretary of State’s website. Use this tool to make sure you are registered and prepared to vote!  

2025 Public Policy Priorities – Survey Results

Earlier this year, we invited members to participate in a survey to share their public policy priorities for the coming year. The survey is helping to build our 2025 state and federal advocacy priorities based on input from leaders in business, education, non-profit, government and economic development throughout the region.   The information gathered from the survey suggests that once again the top issue members see as the largest hinderance to doing business is talent availability. These results, along with our full public policy priorities for 2025 will be revealed at the Annual Regional Legislative Launch on December 11th.

A Few More Updates