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Public Policy Update: Expanding Workforce is Focus On State and Federal Levels

July 12, 2024 | Public Policy

State Policy Update

Work-Based Learning Changes: On July 1, most bills passed during the 2024 legislative session became law, including a new work-based learning law, an Economic Alliance priority. The new law will expand work-based learning opportunities for students and employers, adjust student teaching requirements, add eligibility requirements for the last dollar scholarship program, and add work-based learning to career and technical education classes that 9-12 schools are required to offer. Read more about additional new laws that recently went into effect.

Youth Employment Law Uncertainty: A top question we received during the 2023 legislative session related to changes in Iowa’s youth employment laws. Many of those questions remain as the state and federal government rules do not sync, causing fines and uncertainty for many Iowa businesses. We urge our state and federal officials to work together to find a quick resolution. Read the latest here.

Join Efforts to Develop 2025 Priorities: Our advocacy priorities revolve around input from our members, stakeholders, and partners throughout our region. Next, our public policy team begins building our federal and state advocacy agenda for next year. Be on the lookout for numerous ways to provide input on improving Iowa’s business environment, building and strengthening our workforce, and making Iowa attractive to workers. Contact the Economic Alliance’s public policy strategist, Barbra Solberg, if you are ready to weigh in!

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Federal Policy Updates

Expand Funds to Cover Credential Training & Certifications: The Economic Alliance urges Congress to pass the Education & Workforce Freedom Act, which was recently approved by the U.S. House Ways & Means Committee. The bill would permit beneficiaries of 529 savings accounts to use the funds in those accounts to cover costs associated with obtaining and maintaining postsecondary credentials, including professional certifications and occupational licenses, including those required to obtain a state or federal license. Among other credentials 529 funds are allowed to cover, it would also aid training programs for pilots and airplane mechanics required to obtain Federal Aviation Administration certification for those professions. There are several different versions of bills in Congress to address expanding the eligibility of 529 plans, and we urge Congress to find common ground to pass a final version to send to the president and become law. Read more here.

End Excessive Red Tape: The Economic Alliance recently joined a national coalition to urge Congress to support a bipartisan bill to curtail excessive federal regulations on small businesses. The Prove It Act of 2024 would close loopholes and bring more transparency to the costs of red tape on small businesses. Read our letter here.

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Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance’s Public Policy Strategist, Barbra Solberg, and interns Callie Christoffersen and Cielo Herrera hosted Iowa Advisory Board Members from the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) and Sen. Joni Ernst's national security and foreign policy staff for a meeting last month.

Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance’s Public Policy Strategist, Barbra Solberg, and interns Callie Christoffersen and Cielo Herrera hosted Iowa Advisory Board Members from the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) and Sen. Joni Ernst’s national security and foreign policy staff for a meeting last month. The roundtable discussion focused on the tie between diplomacy and global security and how Iowa is a pivotal player on the international stage. Global stability and positive international relationships directly affect our local economy, and Cedar Rapids metro businesses contribute daily to those efforts.

The Economic Alliance advocates for economic growth policies on the local, state and federal levels. We collaborate with the business community and other stakeholders and partners to develop our yearly policy agendas, to create a consistent voice for the region.

We are a non-partisan organization that does not endorse or donate to political candidates. We support First Amendment rights for all people and encourage elected officials, candidates and citizens to be civil in discussions and debates on policy issues and political opinions. We are committed to leading by example.